About Catholic Charities Dallas
See how Catholic Charities is inspiring and uplifting communities
Every day, Catholic Charities helps our community’s most vulnerable by taking on the effects of poverty and helping all those in crisis move toward a better life. If we can’t help, we know who can.

The Growing Community Needs
The Need is Critical and The
Mission Essential
From homelessness to hunger, from victims of abuse to refugees of war and oppression, from the hurting to the lost, our generous partners play a critical role in of needs of these vulnerable populations.
Volunteer Gretchen Seay speaks about the rewarding experience of making time to help those in need.
Our Volunteer Program
Make a difference on your schedule
With numerous locations, times, and programs to get involved in, we make getting started simple. Volunteering in one of our 30+ programs helps drives the mission forward.
Dariana registered at her community school in January 2022. However, since English was her second language and she struggled with reading, she was enrolled in kindergarten instead of first grade with other students her age. At the end of the school year, Dariana had not progressed as she should and needed to repeat kindergarten.
Susana has always believed in helping her children learn and grow. She is the mother of two young children and is expecting another child. Susana was thrilled to learn about the Together We’re Better (TWB) program several months ago and immediately signed up to participate.
Aida faced a challenging situation when she arrived in the United States from Cuba while eight months pregnant. She needed to find care for herself and her baby quickly. Luckily, she learned about Catholic Charities Dallas’s Parenting in Action classes in October 2023 and began attending them.
Community Partners

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Our Mission
Catholic Charities calls the community to action to join us in addressing the root causes of poverty, hunger, and homelessness by serving, educating, and empowering all those in need.