Mel Bangs
Thank you, Mel Mel Bangs has played an incredible, irreplaceable role at Catholic Charities Dallas through her gift of time, talent, and treasure. Since [...]
Mega Food Distribution Event (March 12, 2021)
On March 12th Catholic Charities hosted it’s second Mega Food Distribution event distributing food and diapers to more than 1000 families in need. Rows of cars lined [...]
Tulipalooza 2021
About Tulipalooza 2021 What started as a unique idea for job opportunities has turned into a beloved, community, fundraising event. Catholic Charities Dallas is honored to be one of twelve [...]
Introducing Together We’re Better
Together We’re Better is a 16-week mobile parenting and early learning program designed to promote nurturing and caring parents focused on the early education of their children. This program will [...]
DALLAS – April 2, 2020 – Catholic Charities Dallas (CCD) was recently selected as one of the 2020“Best Nonprofits to Work For.” The NonProfit Times, the leading national business [...]
Catholic Charities Dallas Named To Prestigious List Of 2020 Best Nonprofits To Work For
DALLAS – April 2, 2020 – Catholic Charities Dallas (CCD) was recently selected as one of the 2020“Best Nonprofits to Work For.” The NonProfit Times, the leading national business publication [...]
Solender/Hall Negotiates with Catholic Charities to House All Non-Shelter Services for Family Gateway
Family Gateway Expands Capacity and Capabilities with New Simmons Family Gateway Resource Center March 10, 2020, DALLAS, Texas – Family Gateway, which provides stability and life-changing supportive services to children [...]
Public Charge/Carga Publica
Implementation The Supreme Court ruled on January 27, 2020 that the Department of Homeland Security, DHS, can implement its rule defining the public charge ground of inadmissibility. The final implementation [...]
Texas Instruments Foundation makes significant donation to address homelessness in Dallas
Texas Instruments (TI) Foundation has made a $200,000 grant to Catholic Charities Dallas (CCD) via the United Way of Metropolitan Dallas to support the organization’s St. Jude Center, an innovative [...]
Donate a Dr. Suess book for National Adoption Month
November is National Adoption month and Catholic Charities Dallas in celebrating the families that have been created through our Pregnancy and Adoption Program. We will be hosting our annual adoption [...]