
About jbermender

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So far jbermender has created 64 blog entries.

Parish Monthly Update – February 2025

Devyn Buschow | Email: dbuschow@ccdallas.org | Phone: 469-801-8107 February 2025 Hello, my name is Devyn Buschow and I currently serve as the Parish Relations Program Manager at Catholic Charities Dallas. It’s a new year! We are so excited to grow in our service to others, together. Here is a quick email with links about our new programs, as well as resources helpful to your parishioners! Before we get to [...]

2025-03-03T08:47:54-06:00Announcements, parish|

CDO Update – February 2025

Kelly Noonan | Email: knoonan@ccdallas.org | Phone: 469-801-8132 February 2025 Hi! My name is Kelly Noonan, and I serve as the Chief Development Officer at Catholic Charities Dallas. February may be the shortest month, but at CCD, we’ve found it to be an incredibly busy month for our hunger services mission. As a reminder, the goal of this mission is to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in our community. It’s one [...]

2025-02-28T15:23:13-06:00News and Updates, Videos|

International Foster Care providing family and hope

Scott and Sarah have always felt a calling to foster children. The couple, who have six biological children, have fostered several times and hosted international exchange students.  After living outside of Texas for several years, the family moved back to the Dallas area in 2017.  "One Sunday, soon after moving back to Texas, Sarah mentioned getting back into foster parenting," Scott said. "That very day, Catholic Charities did a presentation about International Foster Care after Mass. It [...]

2024-05-24T15:48:54-05:00Client Stories|

A Story of Hope and Resilience: Children’s Services reunites family

Camila and Alejandro* were only one and three years old when their parents traveled from Cuba to the United States to find greater opportunities and a better life for their family. The children stayed in Cuba with their grandparents who loved and cared for them. However, they missed their parents and yearned to be a family again.   After making the extremely perilous journey alone through several countries, the now 11 and 9-year-old Alejando and Camila arrived [...]

2024-03-15T16:25:54-05:00Client Stories|

Mother Lead Me to Your Place

Monica touched upon the tilma, a blessed cloak that the Mater Maria’s volunteers wear and have spiritual graces. She recalled the first mothers she met in the home when she started three years ago; mothers from different backgrounds and with different stories. Because she had no children of her own, Monica found it fulfilling to be part of this safe haven where mothers who need care can provide for their new babies. Her call began when she and [...]


International Foster Care: Frequently Asked Questions

Who We Serve What is international foster care? We provide long term foster care placement, Supervised Independent Living, and holistic wrap-around services to unaccompanied refugee and immigrant youth. Our top priority is reunifying children with their families as quickly and safely as possible. When this is not an option, we seek permanent and supportive relationships for our youth and equip them with the skills needed for successful lives in adulthood. How old are the youth you [...]


St. Jude provides path from homelessness to hope

Jane* had been homeless and living at the Austin Street Shelter when she was introduced to Catholic Charities Dallas for the first time. After spending more than three years in shelters and on the streets, Jane was overjoyed with the opportunity to move into St. Jude Forest.   St. Jude Center Forest Lane opened in August 2018. The center has 104 efficiency, residential units for individuals who are 55 and over. Jane was among the first residents to [...]

2024-02-17T14:16:45-06:00Client Stories|

My journey to becoming a volunteer at Mater Maria

I think my journey to Mater Maria began with my mother – my mom was an amazing woman with a strong commitment to her faith and a devotion to our Blessed Mother, but I didn’t learn how strong her faith really was until it was tested. On August 26th, 2007, after a relatively minor diagnostic procedure, my mother was left paralyzed from her waist down. In my eyes, that day changed everything for her – she loved [...]



My experience at Mater Maria was a lot to learn from regarding my personal and spiritual life. I moved into the house on June 3rd, 2017; I was just four months pregnant with difficulties when I moved in, and I had my baby on November 21st, 2018. When I moved in, I met the director in person - Marthalicia Burkle. She’s indeed a mother/Grandmother; she made me feel good by praying with me the very first day [...]



When I was referred to the home, I was attending Winfree Academy Charter School. I had only a handful of credits to complete before I accomplished my high school diploma. Shortly after I found out I was expecting, I spoke with my school counselor. I expressed to her that the home I was living in was not suitable for my unborn baby, although I was with a loving and supporting family member. I knew I could give [...]


After School Program sparks learning leaps for young girl

Dariana registered at her community school in January 2022. However, since English was her second language and she struggled with reading, she was enrolled in kindergarten instead of first grade with other students her age. At the end of the school year, Dariana had not progressed as she should and needed to repeat kindergarten. After seeing her daughter's challenges in the classroom, Dariana's mother began looking for an after-school tutoring program. Dariana started attending CCD’s After School [...]

2024-02-02T16:24:40-06:00Client Stories|

Children’s Services reunites family after years-long separation

Omid grew up in Afghanistan and lived with his father, stepmother, and extended family. He never imagined leaving, but when the Taliban took control of Afghanistan in August 2021, 14-year-old Omid decided to flee to escape the turmoil and upheaval in the country.    Omid and his friends were able to board an outgoing plane during the evacuation, which took him to Qatar. He stayed on a military base there for 15 days before coming to the United [...]

2024-01-29T13:45:55-06:00Client Stories|

CBS News Texas: Shelter for pregnant homeless women: Mater Maria

PLANO - "I got here when I was six months pregnant," said Angeles Noriega. Noriega and 10-month-old Elian Daniel are about to set out on their own. Her life is stable enough now. She's making room for the others here: Other young women expecting babies but have no place to care for them. This east Plano house is known as Mater Maria. It is a designated, dedicated living space for homeless pregnant women. For the past [...]

2024-01-17T09:09:49-06:00News and Updates|

Mother learning to help her children thrive thanks to Together We’re Better

Susana has always believed in helping her children learn and grow. She is the mother of two young children and is expecting another child. Susana was thrilled to learn about the Together We're Better (TWB) program several months ago and immediately signed up to participate. Together We're Better is a mobile 16-week program that equips parents of children under five with the necessary parenting tools, hands-on literacy experiences, case management, and free basic needs (diapers and food) [...]

2024-01-14T21:12:20-06:00Client Stories|

Community Health Clinic providing compassion, healthcare to those in need

The Community Health Clinic (CHC) has provided compassionate and high-quality health care to vulnerable and underserved families in Collin County for nearly 20 years. Last spring, CHC and Catholic Charities Dallas (CCD) formed a strategic alliance to allow for the sharing of administrative resources, expertise, and personnel, creating economies of scale while also increasing access for both organizations’ clients. Juanita is one of the clients CHC has served over the years. When Juanita's husband passed away, her [...]

2024-01-12T16:56:14-06:00Client Stories|

Mater Filius Dallas And Catholic Charities Dallas Formalize Partnership

New partnership, named “Mater Maria,” will provide additional resources for expectant homeless women while providing expanded access and resources DALLAS (JANUARY 9, 2024) – Mater Filius Dallas (MFD) and Catholic Charities Dallas (CCD) have formalized an agreement that will continue the unique and loving services established by Founders Marthalicia and Javier Burkle nearly ten years ago under a new name, Mater Maria. Operating out of two homes in Collin County, Mater Maria will continue offering housing, [...]

2024-01-09T14:41:07-06:00News and Updates|

New mother overcomes challenges with help from CCD programs

Aida faced a challenging situation when she arrived in the United States from Cuba while eight months pregnant. She needed to find care for herself and her baby quickly. Luckily, she learned about Catholic Charities Dallas's Parenting in Action classes in October 2023 and began attending them. Aida was also eligible for services through our Refugee Health Promotions Program (RHP). This program teaches clients how to navigate the healthcare system, including how to apply for health insurance, [...]

2023-12-21T09:29:03-06:00Client Stories|

An End of Year Message from Catholic Charities Dallas CEO Dave Woodyard

Dave Woodyard | Email: dwoodyard@ccdallas.org  Give Hope for the Holidays The most joyous season is here, and we find ourselves incredibly grateful for the many blessings bestowed on us by many generous supporters like you! With your support, we have counseled tens of thousands, housed hundreds, provided thousands of meals, lifted seniors out of isolation, educated children and parents alike, created new families, provided critical medical services, and responded [...]

2023-12-20T14:18:26-06:00News and Updates, Videos|

Children’s Services helps grandmother meet grandchild for first time

Lilian was traveling to the United States from Honduras when she was separated from her mother and siblings in October 2022. After being separated, Lilian gave birth to a baby girl. She and her daughter, Gisselle, were placed under the care of the Office of Refugee Resettlement before coming to the International Foster Care program with Catholic Charities Dallas in the spring of 2023.  Lilian and her daughter were placed with a foster family with young children. [...]

2023-11-21T13:42:26-06:00Client Stories|

Next Gen Wealth Academy helping clients set and reach financial goals

After battling cancer for a second time, Lisa struggled with her bills. She was behind on her rent and was looking for support to help her get her finances back on track. In May 2023, she found Catholic Charities Dallas and began attending financial coaching sessions through Next Gen Wealth Academy.   Next Gen Wealth Academy helps people thrive by creating a positive relationship with money through coaching, education, and personal development. CCD offers personalized financial coaching, including [...]

2023-10-05T12:59:05-05:00Client Stories|

Parenting in Action classes helping families thrive

When Vivian Bustamante found out she was pregnant at 17, she shared that it was like entering a new world that she did not know much about. Vivian started attending weekly parenting classes at Catholic Charities Dallas to prepare herself to become a mother.  "I wanted to understand about my baby and how they develop so I could be a better parent," Vivian said.   Vivian shared that when she first started participating, getting diapers and other items [...]

2023-09-16T16:50:08-05:00Client Stories|

The Dallas Express: City Joins St. Jude Homeless Housing Project

Dallas City Council approved joining a housing project for the homeless with St. Jude on Wednesday during its first council meeting back from its month-long summer recess. Council members unanimously voted in favor of allocating $3 million alongside Dallas County for the project. The item passed as part of the meeting’s consent agenda. The homeless housing project known as St. Jude Center – Vantage Point will be located at 9019 Vantage Point Dr. and funded by both the City of Dallas [...]

2023-09-05T10:56:10-05:00News and Updates|

International Foster Care creates strong futures

Six years ago, Bianca fled a traumatic situation in Guatemala, and came to the United States as an unaccompanied refugee minor. From the minute she entered the U.S., CCD’s Children’s Services team has provided her with support. The first step was placing Bianca with a foster family through our International Foster Care program.  CCD’s International Foster Care (IFC) program provides short- and long-term foster care placements for unaccompanied refugee and immigrant youth. A range of holistic services [...]

2023-08-15T16:04:10-05:00Client Stories|

Young boy finds opportunity to grow in Educational Services

Levi was already a very charismatic and sociable child when he joined the Together We Learn (TWL) program in 2022. Even though he seemed mature, his teachers found his language and cognitive skills were delayed for someone his age.   However, Levi quickly adapted to the program and loved all the activities that his teacher planned for him and his classmates. By the end of Levi's first year of TWL, his language and cognitive delays were remedied, and his [...]

2023-08-01T16:18:52-05:00Client Stories|

Mater Maria

At this time, Mater Maria has a need for the following items: Household Items Ink cartridges Storage bags Light bulbs Napkins Small Trash bags Hand sanitizer Towels Reusable water bottles Toothpaste Hand soap Clothing Nursing bras (variety of sizes) Postpartum underwear (variety of sizes) Maternity leggings (variety of sizes) Maternity tops Maternity pajamas Maternity dresses Slippers Cleaning Supplies Shower squeegee Rain-X Water Repellant Daily shower cleaner Lysol All-Purpose Cleaner Concentrated floor cleaner Glass and window cleaner Laundry detergent [...]

2024-02-26T12:00:02-06:00In-Kind Donations|

Senior Services

At this time, the Senior Services mission has a need for the following items: SocksScarf, hat, and glove setsWord search booksAdult coloring booksYearly plannersMagnifying glassReading glassesLaundry detergentFabric softenerToilet paperPaper towelsDishwashing liquidToothpasteMouth washBody soapDeodorant (men’s and women’s)Trash bags To make an in-kind donation, or for questions regarding an in-kind donation that is not listed, please contact 469-283-0945 or inkind@ccdallas.org. In addition to the items above, we have created an Amazon wish list. To [...]

2024-01-04T16:43:34-06:00In-Kind Donations|

Refugee Services

At this time, the Refugee Services mission has a need for the following items:Laundry detergentFabric softenerToilet paperPaper towelsDishwashing liquidDisinfecting products PlatesBowlsCouchesCupsCutleryDining Tables & ChairsPots and pansToothpasteMen's clothing (all sizes)Men's winter coats (all sizes)Mouth washBody soapDeodorant (men's and women's)Diapers (all sizes)WipesTrash bagsTrash cansBroom & dustpanMopKitchen towelsBath towelsShower curtain rodShower curtain Bed sheets (queen, full, and twin)We accept gently used items in good condition. To make an in-kind donation, or for questions regarding an in-kind [...]

2025-01-03T12:06:41-06:00In-Kind Donations|

Pregnancy, Parenting, & Adoption

At this time, the Pregnancy, Parenting, & Adoption mission has a need for the following items: Infant Essentials Infant car seats (must be new) Pack-n-playsNew or gently used baby and toddler clothing (sizes newborn to 4T - no stains or holes) Clothing for adults - all sizes (Must be new or gently used - no stains or holes) Baby Care Products Baby body wash Baby wipes Lotion Feeding Supplies FormulaBaby bottles and nipples Bottle sterilizer or cleaning supplies [...]

2024-02-12T14:42:11-06:00In-Kind Donations|

Next Gen Wealth Academy

At this time, the Next Gen Wealth Academy mission has a need for the following items: Bus passes Gas gift cards To make an in-kind donation, or for questions regarding an in-kind donation that is not listed, please contact 469-283-0945 or inkind@ccdallas.org. In addition to the items above, we have created an Amazon wish list. To shop for a specific program, search the list by mission name. Please use the "Add to [...]

2023-08-17T16:57:25-05:00In-Kind Donations|

Immigration Legal Services

At this time, the Immigration Legal Services mission has a need for the following items: Gas gift cardsGrocery store gift cards To make an in-kind donation, or for questions regarding an in-kind donation that is not listed, please contact 469-283-0945 or inkind@ccdallas.org. In addition to the items above, we have created an Amazon wish list. To shop for a specific program, search the list by mission name. Please use the "Add to Cart" [...]

2023-08-28T13:30:28-05:00In-Kind Donations|

Hunger Services

At this time, the Hunger Services mission has a need for the following items: Non-perishable Food Items: Peanut butter and jelly Canned protein (tuna, chicken, beans - with pop-top)* Applesauce* Cooking oils Canned fruit (with pop-top)* Bottled water* Cereal* Pretzels* Toiletry and Personal Care Products: Toothbrushes and toothpaste Shampoo and conditioner Soap and body wash Deodorant Feminine hygiene products Razors and shaving cream Toilet paper Hairbrushes or combs Hair ties Household Supplies: Laundry detergent Dish soap Multi-purpose cleaner [...]

2024-09-16T16:45:32-05:00In-Kind Donations|

Homelessness & Housing

Adopt a Room at St. Jude Vantage Point Our first residents are getting ready to move into St. Jude Vantage Point, but we need assistance stocking their rooms! Help us welcome our residents by providing supplies for their apartments. We need the following items to fully stock a room: Bathroom Supplies Shower curtain Curtain rings Bath towel Wash cloth Hand towel Toilet paper Shampoo Conditioner Bar soap Toothbrush/toothpaste Shaving cream Safety razors Box of [...]

2024-01-17T17:21:53-06:00In-Kind Donations|

Educational Services

At this time, the Educational Services mission has a need for the following items: Diapers (Size 3-6 | 20 boxes of each size needed) Pull-ups (Sizes 3T, 4T, and 5T | 20 boxes of each size needed) Baby Wipes (500 packages needed) Baby shampoo (500 needed) Baby lotion (500 needed) Washable markers (Four sets needed) Washable paint sets (10 sets needed) Sentence strips (20 needed) Chubby crayons (Four sets needed) Play-dough (Six sets needed) [...]

2023-08-17T16:55:42-05:00In-Kind Donations|

Disaster Preparedness & Relief Services

At this time, the Disaster Preparedness & Relief Services mission has a need for the following items: Non-perishable Food Items Canned goods with pop tops (Note - food items should be "ready to eat" for immediate consumption) Granola bars and other snacks Bottled waterSoupBoxed mealsPowdered milkDry foods (rice, pasta, beans, etc.) Hygiene and Personal Care Products ToothbrushesToothpasteSoapShampooDeodorantFeminine hygiene productsClothing and Bedding New or gently used clothing (we cannot accept any items with holes or stains) New socks and [...]

2024-02-12T13:40:21-06:00In-Kind Donations|

Community Health Clinic

At this time, the Community Health Clinic has a need for the following items: Patient Items Home blood pressure monitors (for upper arm) Home blood glucose monitors and test strips Home pulse oximeters Home thermometers Home spirometers (for use after pneumonia, COPD, etc.) All types of braces, especially knee, ankle, and wrist Pill organizers Pill splitters Clinical Items Tongue depressors and cotton tip applicators Gloves Gauze packets (2x2 or 4x4 sizes) Alcohol wipes Clorox disinfecting wipes Kleenex [...]

2023-08-17T16:55:05-05:00In-Kind Donations|

Children’s Services

At this time, the Children's Services mission has a need for the following items: Rosaries MP3 players (all colors) Journals (not wire-bound) Fidget toys Craft kits for children Kinetic sand Birthday gifts for pre-teen girls Lego sets for boys (no weapons) Variety of stuffed animals (mid-size) Bluetooth speakers Bluetooth headphones (variety of colors) Tumblers To make an in-kind donation, or for questions regarding an in-kind donation that is not listed, please contact 469-283-0945 [...]

2023-08-17T16:58:08-05:00In-Kind Donations|

Catholic Charities Dallas selected as finalist for D CEO Magazine Award

Over the last year, Catholic Charities Dallas has educated nearly 2,000 children, housed 300 formerly-homeless individuals, provided more than seven million meals to the hungry, and served tens of thousands more through over 40 unique programs. We are working effectively and efficiently to serve our nine counties of service. We are proud to share that CCD has been selected as a finalist for D CEO Magazine's 2023 Nonprofit and Corporate Citizenship Awards - Leadership Excellence Award, presented in collaboration with [...]

2023-07-10T13:11:13-05:00News and Updates|

After years of homelessness, Catholic Charities Dallas helps client find home

Catholic Charities Dallas’ Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program is a long-term assistance and support services program that houses chronically homeless clients. EHV provides intensive case management to support, refer, and work toward housing stability.   When Antonio Moore first connected with Catholic Charities Dallas in March 2022, he had been homeless for years and was living in the Meyers Jeffries encampment in South Dallas. While living in the encampment, he met a member of the city of Dallas’ Street [...]

2023-07-02T11:57:13-05:00Client Stories|

International Foster Care Program building life-long skills

Catholic Charities Dallas’ International Foster Care program provides foster care and independent living placement to Unaccompanied Refugee Minors in the Children’s Services program, primarily aged 14 to 21. This week, our International Foster Care program held their Summer Life Skills Camp for unaccompanied refugee and immigrant youth in our care. The camp is a unique opportunity to provide our young adults with lessons about life skills they’ll need to become confident and independent members of our society. At [...]

2023-06-15T16:12:28-05:00Client Stories|

CCD Parish Update – Refugee Services – June 2023

Lacy de la Garza | Email: ldelagarza@ccdallas.org | Phone: 469-801-8134 June 2023 June is World Refugee Awareness Month. Refugees are men, women, and children who are fleeing war, conflict, and persecution and seeking safety in another country. Catholic Charities Dallas has the blessing of working alongside these individuals and aiding them in any way we can. Our reception and placement services welcome newly arrived refugees, asylees, and special immigrant [...]

2023-06-27T13:37:14-05:00Announcements, parish|

Formerly homeless senior finds new home thanks to CCD and community partners

The CCD Brady Senior Services empowers adults 60 years and older to maintain their independence by providing services that focus on health and wellness for aging adults. Located in West Dallas at the CCD Marillac Community Center, Brady Senior Services offers a safe and loving community for seniors during the week. That community and support doesn’t stop when the doors close. Our client Tim, who has participated in our senior services programs for the last six years, knows [...]

2023-06-14T13:40:34-05:00Client Stories|

Catholic Charities helps Joseph restore home after storm

Relief services don't always look the same. Whether it's housing assistance, medicine, food, or financial assistance, Catholic Charities understands that the one constant must always be a quick response. No one knows the importance of a quick response better than our client, Joseph, who was living in a motorhome in south Dallas. Last August, he found himself caught in a flood after a heavy rainstorm. "I had looked out and saw that it was very heavy rain. Over [...]

2023-06-01T19:33:10-05:00Client Stories|

Parenting classes strengthen families

The CCD Parenting in Action classes provide an opportunity for parents in the community to learn more about different topics, including communicating with children, literacy, budgeting, and more. Material assistance, including diapers, clothing, and more, is available to parents at the end of each class. Tamica and her family began attending our Parenting in Action classes after learning about them online. She initially attended because she needed diapers; however, Tamica shared the classes are helpful and convenient, and [...]

2023-06-01T19:33:11-05:00Client Stories|

Community Health Clinic and Catholic Charities Dallas form strategic alliance to better serve those in need

DALLAS (MAY 4, 2023) – Community Health Clinic (CHC) in McKinney and Catholic Charities Dallas (CCD) in Dallas have formalized a strategic alliance that will allow both organizations to better serve those most in need. CHC has provided free medical care to uninsured and medically underserved Collin County residents for nearly 20 years, while CCD has grown into one of the largest social-service providers in North Texas. The alliance will facilitate the sharing of administrative resources, expertise, and [...]

2023-07-11T14:43:10-05:00News and Updates|

Grandmother encouraging love of learning

Petra plays an active role in the upbringing of her seven grandchildren, including enrolling them in our Educational Services program, Together We Learn (TWL). She appreciates the program because it allows her family to learn and prepare for school. “When they go to school, they know many words, they are more advanced,” Petra shared. She also attends TWL for herself. Prior to participating in the program, Petra did not know many English words or letters. Thanks to Together [...]

2023-06-01T19:33:12-05:00Client Stories|

What’s the difference between The Catholic Foundation and Catholic Charities Dallas?

THE CATHOLIC FOUNDATION - We are honored to have been recognized as the 2023 Honorary Chair of the 25th annual Bishop's Gala hosted by, and benefitting, Catholic Charities Dallas. Catholic Charities Dallas makes a tremendous impact as the service organization for the Diocese of Dallas. We're very pleased that the Foundation and our donors have provided Catholic Charities Dallas more than $8 million from more than 750 individual grants over time. Despite different missions, having the word Catholic [...]

2023-07-11T17:03:13-05:00News and Updates|

Learn About Resources for First Time Homebuyers at February Event

DALLAS – On Saturday, February 11, Catholic Charities Dallas will host the second annual Mega Homebuyer Event and Mega First Time Homebuyer Class. The event will offer opportunities to speak with professionals including realtors, lenders, down payment assistance program coordinators, home builders, home inspectors, title companies, and more. The homebuyer event will be from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at 1421 W. Mockingbird Lane, Dallas TX, 75247. The First Time Homebuyer Class begins at 9:00 a.m. and [...]

Give the gift of Hope – A Message from Dave Woodyard

Give the gift of Hope Hello, my name is Dave Woodyard, and I am the “team captain” and CEO of Catholic Charities Dallas. What a wonderful time of year it is as we prepare for Christmas and the New Year. This joyful season also prompts us to think about our many blessings and the gratitude we feel due to the incredible and gracious support we blessed to receive from you, our very generous [...]

2023-07-13T08:22:17-05:00News and Updates, Videos|

City of Dallas marks Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, highlights Catholic Charities Dallas

DALLAS, November 15, 2022 – On November 9, Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson issued a proclamation recognizing November 12 to 20, 2022 as Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week.   While National Hunger and Homelessness Week started in 1975 at Villanova University, now, more than 700 organizations across the country organize and participate in events highlighting how difficult it is for people experiencing homelessness to access fresh and nutritious food.   This year, Mayor Johnson recognized Catholic Charities Dallas for [...]

2023-07-11T23:03:11-05:00News and Updates|

Hope for the Holidays fundraiser helps mark start of holiday season

DALLAS – November 11, 2022 – The Angels of Charity, the women’s auxiliary for Catholic Charities Dallas, helped kick off the holiday season with their annual fundraising event, “Hope for the Holidays,” on November 10.   The signature Christmas gathering aims to raise money to purchase gifts for CCD’s Christmas Distribution, which helps make the holiday brighter for many. Through the generosity of our underwriters and attendees, Catholic Charities Dallas will be able to provide gifts for hundreds [...]

2023-07-11T23:03:19-05:00News and Updates|

CCD partners with local organizations to donate clothing to asylum-seekers in Laredo

Laredo clothing donation - September 2022 One of our Hunger Services drivers made a special delivery to Laredo, Texas, in September to bring much-needed clothing to asylum seekers at the border.   At the request of Luis Gonzalez, CEO of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul North Texas, we joined together with Goodwill, which donated ten pallets of clothing we delivered to Laredo.   We are always looking for ways to [...]

2023-07-13T08:14:13-05:00News and Updates|

Bishop’s Gala to Raise $2 Million to Support North Texans in Need

More than 1,000 guests to attend an exciting evening of dinner and entertainment featuring the Grammy award-winning rock band, AMERICA! DALLAS – January 5, 2022 – Catholic Charities Dallas (CCD) will host its 24th Annual Bishop’s Gala at the iconic Hilton Anatole Hotel on Saturday, February 5, 2022, assuming no additional restrictions for community health concerns. Attendees will also participate in live and silent auctions to raise funds benefiting men, women, and children within the nine-county region [...]

2023-07-11T23:04:28-05:00News and Updates|

Mel Bangs

Thank you, Mel Mel Bangs has played an incredible, irreplaceable role at Catholic Charities Dallas through her gift of time, talent, and treasure. Since 2009, Mel has never ceased to contribute to the mission of Catholic Charities with a selfless heart. From her time with the Angels of Charity, Board of Directors, Mission Advisory Councils, and team of volunteers, she has consistently put others before herself and the community of Catholic Charities [...]

Catholic Charities Dallas receives $25,000 grant from Reliant to fund hunger programs

Media Contact: Jeremy Bermender Catholic Charities Dallas 469-801-8133 jbermender@ccdallas.org DALLAS – June 01, 2021 – Catholic Charities Dallas (CCD) has received a $25,000 grant from local retail electricity provider Reliant in support of its hunger services mission area, which distributes thousands of nutritious meals to families in need each week. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for food has increased as much as 300 percent. In the last year alone, CCD has distributed over 6.1 [...]

2023-07-11T23:06:50-05:00News and Updates|

Angels of Charity Luncheon 2021 – Recap

Angels of Charity Luncheon, May 18th, 2021 After moving last year's luncheon to a virtual event due to the COVID19 pandemic, the Angels of Charity held their annual luncheon in-person at the Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas.This year marked the 20th anniversary of the luncheon gathering more than 200 ladies from all parts of the Diocese of Dallas.The event started with Mass at the Cathedral Guadalupe Dallas celebrated by Most Reverend Edward J. Burns, Bishop of [...]

2023-06-01T19:35:20-05:00News and Updates|

Catholic Charities Dallas offers financial assistance for winter storm victims

Media Contact: Jeremy Bermender Catholic Charities Dallas jbermender@ccdallas.org DALLAS – May 3, 2021 – During the Winter storms in early 2020, Catholic Charities Dallas (CCD) launched a relief fund for individuals and families impacted by the crippling winter storm that hit Dallas in mid-February and subsequently caused significant damage to homes and businesses due to long-term power outages and burst pipes. CCD has raised $500,000 from private donors and grants from Toyota Motor North America, Catholic Charities USA [...]

Catholic Charities Dallas receives $20,000 grant from Texas Bar Foundation to help with low-income DACA applicants

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact:Jeremy BermenderCatholic Charities Dallasjbermender@ccdallas.org DALLAS – April 28, 2021 – Catholic Charities Dallas (CCD) has received a $20,000 grant from the Texas Bar Foundation to provide free or reduced-cost legal aid to those seeking initial or renewed Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status. Since its inception in 1965, the Texas Bar Foundation has awarded more than $22 million in grants to law-related programs. Supported by members of the State Bar of Texas, the [...]

St. Jude Center- Park Central Update

Catholic Charities in partnership with The Catholic Housing Initiative launched St. Jude Center - Park Central in December of 2020, as our next housing initiative for the chronically and temporarily homeless with 180 efficiency apartments. According to the Metropolitan Dallas Homeless Alliance 2020 Point-in- Time count, over 4,000 homeless individuals reside in Dallas and Collin Counties. Availability and costs of rental or owned property in the Metroplex continue to rise creating tens of thousands of housing-insecure individuals [...]

2023-06-01T19:35:25-05:00News and Updates|