
Parish Monthly Update – September 2024

Devyn Buschow | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8107 September 2024 Do you know Miss Lucy? Have you seen our mobile food trucks driving around town? Our five refrigerated trucks make more than 140 drops at 99 different locations every month! With the help of our community and parish partners, we bring fresh food and healthy ingredients to all nine counties of the Diocese of Dallas. We are looking to [...]

Parish Monthly Update – August 2024

Devyn Buschow | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8107 August 2024 Resource Cards Today I am excited to share our newest resource card with you. These cards are a great way to share information about all of CCD’s programs with your parishioners and community members. The card is printed in English and Spanish and includes our contact information, as well as a QR code to access more information on [...]

2024-08-22T09:20:44-05:00Announcements, parish|

Parish Monthly Update – July 2024

Devyn Buschow | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8107 July 2024 Back to school? Did you know that last year 17 schools in the diocese collected more than 73,000 pounds of food for Catholic Charities Dallas? This equals more than 61,000 meals for those in need. The support of our schools is incredible, so we wanted to send a special edition of this Parish Monthly Update to share how your [...]

2024-07-29T11:54:40-05:00Announcements, parish|

Parish Monthly Update – June 2024

Devyn Buschow | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8107 June 2024 Do you know what we do? I’m keeping it short and sweet today... Do you know everything we do at CCD? My hope is that you have a great idea of CCD in general, but my experience tells me you may not know about all the great programs that we offer! We have over 35 unique programs that have [...]

2024-06-19T09:39:59-05:00Announcements, parish|

Parish Monthly Update – May 2024

Devyn Buschow | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8107 May 2024 Come craft with us! First off, I want to thank you for your support with our Time for Giving campaign this month. We are so grateful for your help in supporting our programs that allow us to serve those in need in our diocese! I am so excited to share about our new project with Refugee Services! We are [...]

2024-05-30T09:54:24-05:00Announcements, parish|

Parish Monthly Update – April 2024

Devyn Buschow | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8107 April 2024 You may have heard that our diocesan-wide second collection campaign, called “Time for Giving,” kicks off on May 4th. This is the time of year that we love to not only highlight the work CCD does across all 9 counties of the diocese but also share specific details with your parish so you can truly see our mission in [...]

2024-04-18T11:50:00-05:00Announcements, parish|

Parish Monthly Update – March 2024

Devyn Buschow | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8107 March 2024 We know there are so many people in our Diocese who need assistance. In fact, we serve more than 200,000 people every year. Therefore, it always surprises us when we encounter people who don’t know what we do, or why we do it! We want to reach more people so they are aware of the resources they can access [...]

2024-03-21T14:17:10-05:00Announcements, parish|

Parish Monthly Update – February 2024

Devyn Buschow | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8107 February 2024 We are so excited to announce the launch of our new Parish Resources page! This is a webpage that all parish staff members can access to find more information about CCD. The page includes a recap of our previous parish update videos, easy-to-access resource cards with CCD phone numbers, and a Google drive filled with free resources to [...]

2024-02-22T11:50:53-06:00Announcements, parish|

Parish Monthly Update – January 2024

Devyn Buschow | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8107 January 2024 Hello, my name is Devyn Buschow and I currently serve as the Parish Relations Program Manager at Catholic Charities Dallas. We are so excited to announce that Mater Filius Dallas is now part of the Pregnancy, Parenting, & Adoption program at Catholic Charities Dallas under a new name, Mater Maria. Mater Maria will continue to serve pregnant women [...]

2024-01-29T13:56:28-06:00Announcements, parish|

Parish Relations 2023 Recap

Devyn Buschow | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8107 Parish Relations 2023 Recap Hello, my name is Devyn Buschow and I currently serve as the Parish Relations Program Manager at Catholic Charities Dallas. CCD has been blessed this year by a beautiful amount of support from so many of our parishes! We wanted to dedicate this video to thank you for all of your efforts in supporting our work [...]

2023-12-22T13:18:38-06:00Announcements, parish|

CCD Parish Update – December 2023

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 December 2023 This is my last parish monthly update as the Director of Parish and Community Relations at Catholic Charities Dallas. I’ve had a wonderful six and a half years here at Catholic Charities. I will now be moving to a full-time role with the Diocese of Dallas as the Executive Director of the Synod. I am so [...]

2023-12-05T10:05:31-06:00Announcements, parish|

CCD Parish Update – October 2023

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 October 2023 For this month’s update, we wanted to share about our new Co-Work and Coffee space! We know that so many of our parishes have limited space and a growing number of ministries. Our coworking space is a beautiful place for groups to meet or individuals to work. Attached to St. Jude Park Central, Co-Work and Coffee includes [...]

2023-10-19T08:59:20-05:00Announcements, parish|

CCD Parish Update – September 2023

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 September 2023 We are so grateful to serve in such a generous Diocese! We regularly get inquiries about physical donation items that could benefit our clients. To make it easy for all our parish and community partners, we are excited to announce a new in-kind donation page on our website. We have compiled all of the material needs for each [...]

2023-09-27T15:18:27-05:00Announcements, parish|

CCD Parish Update – Hunger Services – August 2023

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 August 2023 Back to school means food security for some children, but many children and adults alike still do not know where their next meal will come from. At Catholic Charities Dallas, we work hard to alleviate hunger and food insecurity in our community. Our Hunger Services team works in multiple ways, including operating 2 fixed food pantries [...]

2023-08-18T12:48:29-05:00Announcements, parish|

CCD Parish Update – Immigration Legal Services – July 2023

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 July 2023 Celebrating Independence Day is a great reminder of the gift of freedom we have here in the United States that many people around the world risk their lives to experience. At Catholic Charities, our primary goal is to treat refugees, asylees, and immigrants among us with the respect and dignity they deserve. We believe that every person [...]

2023-07-20T09:32:37-05:00Announcements, parish|

CCD Parish Update – Refugee Services – June 2023

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 June 2023 June is World Refugee Awareness Month. Refugees are men, women, and children who are fleeing war, conflict, and persecution and seeking safety in another country. Catholic Charities Dallas has the blessing of working alongside these individuals and aiding them in any way we can. Our reception and placement services welcome newly arrived refugees, asylees, and special immigrant [...]

2023-06-27T13:37:14-05:00Announcements, parish|

CCD Parish Update – Fr. Sean Martin – May 2023

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 May 2023 Here at CCD, we work hard to live out the seven tenets of Catholic Social Teaching every day. These seven principles are life and dignity of the human person, call to family, community and participation, rights and responsibilities, care for God’s creation, option for the poor and vulnerable, the dignity of work and the rights of [...]

2023-06-27T13:37:16-05:00Announcements, parish|

CCD Parish Update – Children’s Services – April 2023

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 April 2023 Did you know that April is National Foster Care Month? We would like to take this opportunity to highlight some of the foster care programs we offer here at Catholic Charities. Our Children’s Services team provides daily care, supervision, and case management services to eligible unaccompanied immigrant and refugee youth. Our top priority is reunifying children with [...]

2023-06-27T13:37:19-05:00Announcements, parish|

CCD Parish Update – Pregnancy, Parenting, & Adoption – March 2023

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 March 2023 Spring is the season of new life, and we would like to encourage you to support life in our Dallas community by taking advantage of the pro-life and pro-family resources provided by Catholic Charities. Today we’re focusing on our pregnancy crisis counseling, parenting classes, and adoption services. Parenting classes are offered through our Parenting in Action Program, [...]

2023-06-27T13:37:23-05:00Announcements, parish|

CCD Parish Update – Next Gen Wealth Academy – February 2023

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 February 2023 Hello! My name is Lacy de la Garza, and I currently serve as the Director of Parish and Community Relations for Catholic Charities Dallas. CCD has a great opportunity that will be helpful for the families in your parish. Our Financial Stability and Career Services program has been rebranded and is now known as Next Gen [...]

2023-06-27T13:37:26-05:00Announcements, parish|

CCD Parish Update – HOPE Chat Bot – January 2023

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 January 2023 Hello! My name is Lacy de la Garza, and I currently serve as the Director of Parish and Community Relations for Catholic Charities Dallas. The new year can bring stress and concerns about the future. Focusing on mental health is one way to take care of ourselves in times of distress.   Did you know that Catholic Charities [...]

2023-06-27T13:37:29-05:00Announcements, parish|

CCD Parish Update – December 2022

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 December 2022 Hello! My name is Lacy de la Garza, and I currently serve as the Director of Parish and community relations for Catholic Charities Dallas. It is hard to believe another year has come and gone already! Reflecting on this past year, we were able to accomplish so much for our community. This would not have been possible [...]

2023-06-01T19:33:42-05:00Announcements, parish|

CCD Parish Update – November 2022

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 November 2022 Hello! My name is Lacy de la Garza, and I currently serve as the Director of Parish and Community Relations for Catholic Charities Dallas. With the holiday season quickly approaching, we want to highlight our Homelessness & Housing Services program. At CCD, we work very hard to create safe environments for clients who may not have [...]


CCD Parish Update – October 2022

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 October 2022 Hello! I am Lacy de la Garza, the Director of Parish and Community Relations at Catholic Charities Dallas. You may know that October is Pro-Life Month! Here at Catholic Charities, we are doing our part in the Dallas community by offering pregnancy crisis counseling, parenting classes, and adoption services. We share this information so you are aware [...]


CCD Parish Update – September 2022

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 September 2022 Hello! I’m Lacy de la Garza, the Director of Parish and Community Relations here at Catholic Charities Dallas. Every September, we have the opportunity to celebrate Grandparents' Day.  This month we are sharing more about the CCD Senior Services program, serving individuals age 55 and over, many of whom are grandparents! At the Brady Senior Center, we [...]


CCD Parish Update – August 2022

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 August 2022 Hello! My name is Lacy de la Garza and I serve as the Director of Parish and Community Relations at Catholic Charities Dallas.  With August comes a new school year, and many students are looking forward to school not just for learning, but for meals.  Hungry children are often able to eat breakfast and lunch at school, but [...]


CCD Parish Update – July 2022

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 July 2022 Merry Christmas!  Yes, it’s Christmas in July!   Hello, I’m Lacy de la Garza, the Director of Parish and Community Relations at Catholic Charities Dallas.  Every year, Catholic Charities, and our women’s auxiliary group, the Angels of Charity, collect and distribute thousands of gifts for our clients and their children.  It is now time for us to begin asking [...]


CCD Parish Update – June 2022

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 June 2022 Hello and welcome! I’m Lacy de la Garza, Director of Parish & Community Relations for Catholic Charities Dallas. With over 20 million refugees around the world, Catholic Charities Dallas is grateful to assist displaced individuals who come to our doors. The Refugee Services team at Catholic Charities Dallas has served the refugee community since the late 1970s. [...]


CCD Parish Update – May 2022

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 May 2022 Hello and welcome! I’m Lacy de la Garza, Director of Parish & Community Relations for Catholic Charities Dallas. Did you know that May is National Foster Care Month? Our International Foster Care program is in need of caring individuals to provide a safe and nurturing home for youth, ages 14-17 years old. As a part of our [...]


CCD Parish Update – April 2022

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 April 2022 Welcome to this month’s Parish Update from Catholic Charities Dallas! I’m Lacy de la Garza, Director of Parish & Community Relations for Catholic Charities. With spring brings many graduations. Do you have parents worried about affording college for their kids? Are your young adults graduating and unsure of what to do when their student loan payments begin? Our [...]


CCD Parish Update – February 2022

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 February 2022 Hello! I’m Lacy de la Garza, Director of Parish & Community Relations for Catholic Charities Dallas. This month we are focusing on one program highlight: Citizenship. We offer both Citizenship Classes and Citizenship Workshops. These are different. Each are offered at our locations, and can also be offered at your parish by request. Although the citizenship classes [...]


CCD Parish Update – October 2021

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 October 2021 First, we would love the chance to serve your parish with our mobile food program if we aren’t already. There are some spots left on our fourth mobile truck. Please contact me if you are interested in speaking about this with our food team and I can help arrange a meeting. Second, did you know Catholic [...]


CCD Parish Update – September 2021

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 September 2021 First, we are highlighting our citizenship workshops. Hosted by our CCD Immigration Legal Services team, we have resumed offering these in-person each Friday morning here at our Mockingbird location. Flyers are available on the parish resources webpage. Please encourage your parishioners to take advantage of this opportunity.Second, our Educational Services team currently has many open teacher positions, [...]


CCD Parish Update – July 2021

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 July 2021 First, we are proud to announce the bilingual Hope Project resources are now live on the parish resources webpage. We invite you to join us in promoting this new, free resource to your parish. Hope will help build coping skills for those suffering, perhaps in silence, with depression and anxiety. As a faith leader in our community, [...]


CCD Parish Update – June 2021

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 June 2021 Thanks to all who promoted Time for Giving. Aside from the needed financial support it provides, we appreciate the increased awareness of our services which will help us serve more across our diocese. We cannot do this without your help! With all of the growth happening at CCD, we’ve got some great positions available now for qualified [...]


CCD Parish Update – May 2021

Lacy de la Garza | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8134 May 2021 Hello! Welcome back to our May edition of the parish updates from Catholic Charities. This month is very important to us because it’s our “Time for Giving”! The actual second collection happens this coming weekend, the 15th and 16th, but the whole month is dedicated to improved awareness of our programs serving the whole diocese. Thanks [...]
