Devyn Buschow | Email: | Phone: 469-801-8107
March 2024
We know there are so many people in our Diocese who need assistance. In fact, we serve more than 200,000 people every year. Therefore, it always surprises us when we encounter people who don’t know what we do, or why we do it! We want to reach more people so they are aware of the resources they can access at CCD, as well as share the good news of Catholic Social Teaching!
I am so appreciative when a church invites me out to talk at one of their events. After working in a parish for nine years, I understand the need for more people to know about the beauty of Catholic Social Teaching, as well as how Catholic Charities Dallas puts the seven themes into action. Below is a flyer with more details about bringing a speaker to your parish, and some topics and themes that I’ve seen really change the way parishioners live out their faith.
I’ve spoken to young adult groups, RCIA groups, parish staff, youth groups, sacrament preparation families, and parish-wide presentations. I’d love to partner with you to share more about living out our Faith through service and happy to find a time that works best for you and your parish.
We also have the opportunity for you to come to CCD and learn about our missions and programs! Hope Starts Here is an informational tour of our CCD Central Service Center highlighting our missions and the many ways your involvement improves the lives of those in need. Find more information and register for an upcoming event at
While we are talking about sharing resources, have you considered adding the CCD website ( as a link on your parish page? We have found we can serve more and reach more when parishes use their platform to share our partnership! Don’t forget, last month we shared our new Parish Resources Page full of free images to drag and drop right into your communications, such as Flocknotes and bulletins. We would love to partner with your parish to help share more about Catholic Charities Dallas. With your help, we can reach more people who can use our assistance.
Thank you for all of your continued support. We could not serve the Diocese of Dallas without you. Until next time!