Catholic Charities Dallas, in partnership with Catholic Housing Initiative (CHI), launched three properties, St. Jude Center Forest Lane, St. Jude Center Park Central, and St. Jude Vantage Point to provide wraparound services for homeless and housing-insecure persons with a diverse population in age, gender, and capacity. St. Jude Vantage Point is currently in progress with a goal of opening to residents in March 2024.
We strive to serve a diverse population of formerly homeless individuals willing to live within the guidelines and safety protocols of the complexes, creating community and collaborative promotion of all residents’ well-being and growth.

St. Jude Center Forest Lane
St. Jude Center Forest Lane opened in August 2018 with 104 efficiency, residential units for individuals who are 55 and over.
CCD provides supportive housing with wraparound services for formerly homeless and housing-insecure clients.
St. Jude Center Forest Lane is located at 2920 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75234.

St. Jude Center Park Central
St. Jude Center Park Central has 202 fully equipped efficiency residential units with a kitchen and private bathroom. Initially, St. Jude Park Central provided COVID-19 relief and inclement weather housing. Now, Park Central provides housing and ongoing case management for formerly homeless veterans and chronically homeless individuals aged 18 or older.
In 2023, CCD opened Co-Work and Coffee, which offers drop-in rooms for crisis intervention, counseling, and case management. Classroom space for vocational training from Dallas College is also available. Co-Work and Coffee also offers a community working space.
St. Jude Center Park Central is located at 8102 Lyndon B. Johnson Fwy, Dallas, TX 75251.

St. Jude Center Vantage Point
St. Jude Center Vantage Point is located west of Greenville Avenue and south of Lyndon B. Johnson Freeway and houses 136 residents ages 18 and older.
The mission of St. Jude Center Vantage Point is to answer God’s call to serve our brothers and sisters in need by caring for their basic human needs, providing them with a community and a place to call home, and preparing them for a life of self-sufficiency.
St. Jude Center Vantage Point is located at 9019 Vantage Point Dr Dallas, TX 75243.

Services Provided at St. Jude Centers
Social Services
Comprehensive case management includes counseling, referrals for medical and mental health services, and securing more independent living.
Basic Needs
Access to food, clothing, medical care, and public benefits, as well as bus vouchers to allow travel to and from employment interviews, appointments to access public benefits, and for other purposes.
Physical/Mental Health Services
Mental health services take place on site. These include: counseling individuals, facilitating groups, and medication delivery. All residents will have access to professional diagnostic and treatment services for their presenting problems. Services in this area may be delivered by the case management agency or by other providers through referrals arrangements.
Meaningful Activity
Case Managers (St. Jude and partner agencies) will work with their clients who reside at St. Jude to develop plans to fill the resident’s day with activity the resident defines as meaningful and beneficial (e.g. recreation, volunteer activity, day programs, employment). Residents are also invited to take part in community activities such as art class, fitness classes, lunches, bingo, gardening, and prayer services. This helps the resident to avoid isolation, boredom and the potential for resumption of dysfunctional behavior.
Social Support
Case Managers at St. Jude and partner agencies will work together with their clients to facilitate the development of a network of friends, family, and professionals who can socially support the resident’s stability in St. Jude. Vocational training, job placement, career services, and goal setting are discussed with residents on a 1:1 basis.
The Road to St. Jude Centers
If approved by Housing Forward, a housing voucher will be issued to the prospective resident.
A Request for Tenancy Packet (RTFA) will be completed by the prospective resident and Property Manager.
A tentative unity assignment and request for inspection will be completed by the Property Manager.
Upon approval of units, the Property Manager will contact the Program Manager to sign their lease.
Catholic Charities Dallas relies on the Coordinated Access System managed by Housing Forward to ensure that the most vulnerable and disadvantaged are screened and selected. Our programs do not accept outside referrals, calls for residency, or walk-ins.
St. Jude Centers only accept referrals directly from social service agencies or Housing Forward. Client must be working with a social service agency, documented as homeless in the Housing Forward housing priority list, and pass a background screening before being accepted as a resident at either St. Jude Center. Also, the referring agency must provide case management and secure the subsidy (through grants or vouchers) for each resident referred to St. Judes.