Jonathan and his wife, Deisy, learned about CCD’s Together We’re Better (TWB) program during Sunday Mass announcements. They were drawn to the TWB team recruiting for its parenting and early literacy program for children under five.
Together We’re Better (TWB) is a mobile parenting and early learning program that promotes nurturing and caring parents focused on their children’s early education.
Jonathan and Deisy signed up because they were concerned about their toddler, Charlotte’s, physical development. Charlotte did not show any interest in walking, which worried them.
After completing the 16-week program, the parents reported that it was one of their best decisions because they now understand their child’s behavior and Charlotte’s physical, language, cognitive, and social-emotional needs.
They shared that learning how their child’s brain, body, and emotions change according to age and daily experiences was amazing. Deisy realized that they were not allowing Charlotte to stimulate and develop her physical motor skills, preventing her from learning to walk.
Additionally, Charlotte received a developmental evaluation, during which they learned about her other needs and activities to help close her developmental delays.
Jonathan and Deisy also shared how the TWB program helped them learn about the importance of reading with their children daily. Deisy now uses the tips she learned in her parenting class about asking open-ended questions during reading time while letting their daughter manipulate the books they read.
As a family, they have now established new habits, including a schedule with routines and reading time each day. The TWB team is very proud of all the hard work Deisy and her husband have dedicated to being stronger parents and helping their daughters thrive and succeed in school.